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  • 가가레주메가 제공한 아래 콘텐츠 내용들은, 저작권법에 따라 무단 복제 및 사용을 금합니다.(저작권법 9장 97조의 5)
GAGA Resume 선택이 인생을 바꾼다

The Admission Committee
Department of XXXX
XXXX University XXX XX, 0000
Re. : Recommendation for Mr. 0000

Dear Admission Committee,
It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for Mr. 0000 in support of his application for admission to your Master program in XXXX program. When I heard that Mr. Shin was interested in further study in your Graduate School, I was impressed and encouraged him.
As Mr. Shin's academic advisor at XXXX University, Korea, I have been closely associated with him for seven years since XXXX. While associating with him, I have found that he was a diligent individual and has proved himself to be a good student with a strong academic enthusiasm.
When Mr. Shin was a freshman, I have first met him in my class of "Consumer and the Market" where he earned the grade of "XX" for his work in the course. In my class, he was an outstanding student who readily picked up essential points of the lecture. Especially, his serious attitude and sharp questions in class frequently attracted my attention. With the lapse of time, I have been watching his remarkable development in academic progress since XXXX. Thanks to his endeavors, his academic records were always in the upper X% in his department, and it allowed him to receive a full tuition fee scholarship in XXXX.
As for Mr. Shin's personal character, he has a strong interpersonal skill and an ability to be a team player. Thus, his interpersonal relationship was harmonious with his colleagues and classmates. His friendly attitude and courteous manner enabled him to work effectively with his colleagues and with our faculty members.
By taking into consideration Mr. Shin's strong academic enthusiasm and his resolute ambition toward goals, he can complete his study with a great success, in view of his sufficient academic potential and diligent attitude. Thus, the admission committee will not regret giving him admittance.
Judging from his academic potential, I am strongly convinced that he is highly motivated applicant and ready to meet any challenge by adapting himself into new surroundings in your Graduate School. For this reason, I have no reservations in highly recommending him to your Graduate School, and your favorable assessment of this applicant would be highly appreciated. If you have need for any additional information about him, please feel free to contact me. Then, I will be more than happy to assist.

Very truly yours.

Prof. XX XX Kim
Professor, The Head of Department
Department of XXXX
XXXX University, Korea