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취업용 영문 자기소개서

취업용 영문 자기소개서
  • 샘플은 저작권 문제로 인해 일부만 발췌하였습니다.
  • 한글 초안의 영문 번역 시 의역이 필요한 경우가 많습니다. 한글과 영어 모두 능통한 에세이 번역전문 실무전문가의 매끄럽고 자연스러운 문장력이, 의뢰인의 영문 자기소개서를 더욱 빛나게 해 드릴 것입니다.
  • 가가레주메가 제공한 아래 콘텐츠 내용들은, 저작권법에 따라 무단 복제 및 사용을 금합니다.(저작권법 9장 97조의 5)
GAGA Resume 선택이 인생을 바꾼다
'Person who can Impress'
I am a person who can impress others. I impressed my friend who was suffering from a hunger by preparing a small food and congratulated my junior friend who felt gloomy in his birthday by bringing a cake for him in front of his home.
Likewise, I am a person who has a warm heart to cherish people. Through my volunteering activities for the handicapped since high school, I realized that the world would not belong to one and I have made the efforts to live with a heart to cherish people of my organization. If I join 000, I will be a person who can raise the temperature of 000by 1℃ with my warm heart.

'Person who can Creatively Solve Given Situation'
I liked my Analysis on Financial Statements class in my undergraduate course. It consisted of an analysis and presentation on a certain firm with a group of 00 students. Looking at the presentations of other groups, I found that to include many numbers in one slide of PowerPoint would not be effective, broke the fixed idea of showing the presentation in a PowerPoint, used excel in measuring analysis, and chose a way of showing the financial statements over 00 years in trend analysis in my presentation. The result was very successful. The professor was very satisfied with my presentation and scored me in the first place in terms of the grade in the class.
In this regard, I have a talent to solve a certain problem in an innovative way. If I join 000, I will move from a stereotyped manner to solve a given task to a problem solving in a positive attitude and way.